Competition - Geofoto Zadar through the eyes of students

“Geofoto – Zadar through the Eyes of Students” Contest is happening now! Organized by the EGEA Zadar, ESN Zadar, Croatian Geographic Society – Zadar and the Department of Geography at the University of Zadar. The theme is simple – show us Zadar through your lens, focusing on student life and favorite spots in the city! 🌍📷


✔ Apply from February 11th to March 25th, 2024.

✔ All students from the University of Zadar can participate.

✔ One photo per participant.

✔ Prizes for the best works!


Send your photos to the email address with the subject “GEOFOTO”. Find more information in our bio, the organizers’ websites and social media.

Unleash your creative spirit, capture the moment, and participate in this unique contest!

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